This was the period when Hindu code bill passed to ease out the divorce of Indira Gandhi from Mr. Feroz Gandhi (1956). The young girls and boys of higher studies thought as if they are free from the bondage of marriage and can go and mix up with their opposite sex. Very bad impact was seen in Nehru-University and Delhi University (Novel on the deteriorated conditions of Education on the first half of fifth decade of 20th century). Traditionally, what was wrong straightened as right and life became topsy-turvy among students. Political stunts entered in all the Institutes of education. In 60's India was very educated at the higher level, and there was cynical competition prevalent which broke all the boundaries of moralities. Renaissance period started with the new pattern of imitation of western countries. Dating started between teacher and taught. Flattering and chattering, showing themselves progressive, students were inspired to join politics. The agents of all the political parties tried to impress students to pass with good marks, to live prosperous life, in the modern world. Without belonging to politics they could not uplift themselves. Education had been corrupted. Education evaluated money, beauty and immorality. Intellect and gifted mind made blurred with confusion and dull-mind pupils, dishonesty, and deception chaos were taught by the teachers who also passed in the same way. This chain of illusion was spread in every forum of Educational Institutes. Because unskilled not educated in a true sense, entered in the temple of Education. All the disciplines like Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Scientists, Architects, accountants and chartered accountants. Economist and traders, having a half-cooked knowledge had changed standards or criteria to judge themselves with the sense of discrimination. Even Judge and pleader forget their duty and mixed in the social functions with politicians. Company of politician was the company of Feudal king and slavery prevailed even after Britishers left the country. The worse scene we can see in the future generation who worsened the situation in India. I visited past and future India and its education. It was disgusting to find lost human-value and Education means exhibition of Information. My Hindi Novel titles "ULTE KĀNTE SĪDHĀ PHŪL" tackled all these problems of Education, during 60 and 70 decade in India. |