It is the collection of poems without metre known in India as Rubber-Chhanda. It is used generally to expose the wrong corrupted policies of Indian government and society. To gather with Indian fraudulent practices in the society which have been infected in every field, I exposed to unscrupulous trends of America also and world over. Exploitation is spread every where but India is debased and corroded badly by the feudal society. It was mistake of the politicians of 60's and 70's who destroyed all the small and large feudal states on the name of Privy-Purse monarchs were deprived of spreading money for their private purpose. The result was, it excited monarchy for more corruption and extortion. There became a gang of unruly behaviors an production started of money by Chota Rajan who was the agent of powerful individual parallel Parliament. The public was deprived of their right and started living in fear. This democracy was under the rules of previous kingdoms, who were elected for leadership dishonesty and our largest democracy was divided again between land-lords and feudal people and not governed by the people, from the people and of the people.
The poetry collection titled "Dummy" has all these reflections of contemporary society with mockery and empty values. Nepotism, regionalism and casteism and suffocating common gifted person. Freedom known as Ignorance and RTI which recently passed, again trapped in the urgentship of middle-man. It is more than sufficient to say the so-called Democracy, makes the people dumb and deaf.