It is the collection of Lyrical poems, published in 1960 when she was in M.A. in Delhi University. Some of them had been sung in the AIR, Bombay and Delhi. It is with the trend of realism and reflections of romanticism.
In India in 50's , owing to successful execution of five-year-plan (Economically) by the government, public was living in prosperity and peace, though Pakistan was hampering the prosperity of India by fighting small disturbing battles. It was the time of luxury when dollar's value was only Rs 5 in India.
Love toward nature and sharing of symbolic sympathy for each other, that is human-being and nature, was instantly flowing. Introvert poet like her, was moving making surrealism significant in the literature of poetry. One example is being quoted from the book:
"Me apne man kī preyasī,
Mera man mera priyatam."
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